We get that Midterms are almost here and we all know Midterms are stressful.
The Avon Library and Avon Youth Services Bureau partnered to make Calm Kits for teens to help during this time.
A limited supply of bags will be put out on Tuesday 1/18, at 2pm for teens in Grades 9-12, first come, first served.
Bags will be in the Te
Who can register and receive a Calm Kit?
Teens in Grades 9-12.
When can you pick up the Calm Kit?
Register now and pickup your bag during normal library hours Fri. 1/14-Sun. 1/16. The Library will be closed on Mon. 1/17 in honor of Martin Luther King Day. *Everyone age 2 and above must wear a mask in the Avon Free Public Library.* Any bags not picked up by 5pm Sun. 1/16 will be made available first come first serve at 2pm on Tues. 1/18 in the 2nd Floor Teen Room.
Library hours:
Fri. 1/14: open 10-5pm
Sat. 1/15: open 10-5pm
Sun. 1/16: open 1-5pm.
Where do you pick up the Calm Kit?
Calm Kits will be behind the 2nd Floor Children’s Desk. Ask a Children’s staff member to help you claim your bag.
Each bag is slightly different. All bags contain:
A stress ball, 8 coloring sheets, coloring materials (a Sharpie, colored pencils, markers), powdered drink mixes, a variety of snacks and candy, and information on mindfulness, and handling stress.
All coloring sheets were selected & all bags were assembled by Avon Library Teen Advisory Board members. Supplies provided by Avon Youth Services Bureau.