281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 06001 860-673-9712

Summer Readers! Sign up Today!

School is finally out for the summer and that means lots of time swimming, playing outside, going on vacation, and READING for fun!  And it’s double the fun when you get to read and get rewards for reading.  
This summer, you can choose either a 6, 12, or 24 book goal.  
As you work your way towards your goal, you will be able to earn cool things like a cupcake from Taste by Spellbound, a ticket to a Rock Cats game, J Foster ice cream, a kids meal from Bertucci’s, a slice of pizza from Hot Heaven, a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cone, and even a trip to Quassy Amusement Park.  
Every time you come into the library, you will also be given a ticket that will be able to put in a jar to try and win one of 13 prize packages.  
These prize packages include things like a ukulele, tickets to launch trampoline park, tickets to the zoo, books, free food, and free mini-golf passes. 
Ready to sign up yet? Here’s what you have to do:
2.  Click on the icon for the number of books you want as your goal this summer (6 books, 12 books, or 24 books)
3.  Click on the button that says “Sign me up” (just above the username and password fields)
4.  Fill out the form with the information you are asked and hit save
5.  Start logging your books! (You can start on June 28th)


6.  When you log into your account and it tells you that you are eligible to claim your rewards, come to the library to pick them up! (Starting June 29th).
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