281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 06001 860-673-9712

Boom Chocolatta………………

This reward allows you to get a sweet scoop of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.  
Try out new flavors like Boom Chocolatta, Peanut Buttah, Spectacular Speculoos, Save our Swirled, and the Tonight Dough.  
Or you can go with a classic like Phish Food, Mint Chocolate Chunk, Sweet Cream and Cookies, Coffee Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz, or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.  
Whatever you choose, you will get a tasty treat and have something to help you cool off during the hot summer.  
Keep Reading!


If you haven’t signed up for the Summer Reading program yet, you can do it now by going to https://avonctlibrary.info/for-children/
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