Summer means more time for all the fun activities you love to do, like going out for ice cream, hanging out with friends, and reading as many cool books as you want.
To add even more excitement to your summer reading adventure, sign up for the Avon Free Public Library’s summer reading program and get awesome prizes for all of your hard work!
Our program starts with choosing either a 6, 12, or 24 book goal to complete by the end of summer. As you read, you can log the titles online, and during your next visit to the library, you can claim sweet treats like a cupcake from Taste by Spellbound, a cookie from The Bee’s Knees Café, a J. Foster ice cream cone, and a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cone.
Once you’re full on sweets, it’s time to enjoy the other cool prizes, like a Bertucci’s kids’ meal, Yard Goats baseball tickets, and a pass to Quassy amusement park.
Every visit to the library gives you another chance to win our summer prize packages. Just grab a yellow ticket from the bin on our desk, write your name and phone number, and place it inside one of our 14 prize jars.
Prizes include a ukulele, Pokémon cards, a tea set, a LEGO Minecraft kit, a butterfly home, and more!
At the end of the summer, one lucky winner will win each prize. If you can’t wait for all the excitement, enter your ticket into the Weekly Prize jar for a chance to win tickets to Old Sturbridge Village, the KidsPlay museum, and more. Weekly Prize winners are selected every Monday throughout the summer.
If you love reading and earning prizes, our summer reading program is for you!
Ready to sign up yet? Here’s what you have to do:
1. Go online to
2. Click on the icon for the number of books you want as your goal this summer (6 books, 12 books, or 24 books)
3. Click on the button that says “Sign me up” (just above the username and password fields)
4. Fill out the form with the information you are asked and hit save
5. Start logging your books!
6. When you log into your account and it tells you that you are eligible to claim your rewards, come to the library to pick them up!