Teens in 7th grade-12th grade can come to the Teen Room, a space built just for teens.
During weekdays in the academic school year, 2:30-5:00 pm on school days, the Teen Room is only for teens in 7th-12th grade.
You can attend a fun program, read books & magazines, play games on our computers, play xBox One or Nintendo Switch, play checkers or chess, or just hang out with your friends.
Group Study rooms are a High School student only space where you can hang out with friends, work on a group project, or study.
Teen Room Rules
Below are the Teen Room rules and policies.
To use the Teen Room after school, each teen makes out a sign in card on their first visit and signs the back agreeing to the Library & Teen Area Rules:
- I will respect other teens, staff, other patrons, with my words and actions.
- I will follow Teen 4G structure in the Teen Room after school.
- I will respect the Teen Room, the library property and grounds, and other’s property.
- There is no ball playing/bike riding/skateboarding/any type of skating on library grounds.
- I agree to: no swearing, no disrespectful or inappropriate language.
- I agree to: no fighting, no rough housing, no hitting, throwing.
- I agree to: no PDA (public display of affection): no kissing, no lying or sitting on others. Only one butt per chair.
- I am required to wear appropriate clothing which includes always wearing shoes.
- RESEALABLE DRINKS ONLY (twist cap drinks. No open cans). No 2 liter bottles/sharing of beverages.
- Eating and drinking is allowed designated areas and designated times.
- I will clean up after myself & others because having food & drink in the library is a privilege. NO food or drinks at the computers at any time.
- When I am in the library building and grounds, I am held to the general library behavior policy.
- Teens may receive up to 2 warnings, though at any time if teens violate any of these rules to poor choices, it will be grounds for being asked to leave the Teen Room as well as the library building AND their parent/guardian will be called.
- Frequent misbehavior may result in a ban from the library grounds and loss of privileges.
Recurring Events & Programs
- The Teen Room usually has 2-3 programs each week; teens in grades 7-12 are welcome to come to these fun & free events.
- Every Friday (when there is school) there is a different drop in Teen Friday event. Sometimes it is a movie showing, trivia contest, Minute to Win It games, bingo, scavenger hunts, and much more.
- Teen Readers Unite (TRU): During the school year there is a monthly teen book discussion. Teens in Grade 7-12 can sign up to snack and discuss this month’s title. We get advance reader copies of yet to be published teen books. Teens sign up at the 2nd floor Children’s Desk and pick up their book; if they read it and show up to discuss on book discussion day then they can keep the book. If you fail to show up, you must return the book.
- Teen Games Unplugged happens multiple times a month, from 3-4 PM (unless other special programs occur that day). What is it? Teens play dynamic and fun group and board games.
- Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a group of older teens in high school who meet and discuss how they want to shape the Teen Room. Teens snack and discuss future programs, which books to buy, as well as test out fun craft and game ideas before they become a program. TAB meets on a Tuesday night from 6:00-8:00 pm, usually towards the end of the month. TAB is a great way for high schoolers to get a fun & easy two hours of community service volunteer hours.