281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 06001 860-673-9712

January 2021 HVAC Update

Avon Library’s geothermal HVAC system, installed during the renovation and expansion project in 2012, has experienced multiple failures over the past five years and will be replaced with a more conventional and robust version of geothermal technology this year.  At the January 7, 2021 meeting of the Town Council, a contract was approved with All State Construction to execute this project.

We expect work to begin in February.  The most immediate and noticeable aspect of this project will be the need to take down several trees on the Library’s grounds and trim several others.  Additionally, fencing will go up around the work site, which will be on the south side of the library building and along the Sunnybrook Drive side of the grounds, while crews dig the new geothermal wells for heat exchange.

While some of this work will occur outside the library, there will also be extensive work inside the building, predominantly in the basement and attic.  Every effort will be made to avoid impacting library programs and services during this project, but inevitably there will be some disruptions that may require a change to library operations.  When possible, that will be communicated in advance.

Periodic updates will be posted on the Library and Town websites (www.avonctlibrary.info and www.avonct.gov).  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Glenn Grube, Library Director at 860-673-9712 x207 or ggrube@avonctlibrary.info.

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