281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 06001 860-673-9712

Check out our new library card options!

Beginning this summer, your Avon Library card just got a lot cooler!  Check out the six new designs available to choose from when you apply for or renew your library card.  Your card still provides you all the same great benefits, including free access to books, DVDs, and more inside the library, the ability to download e-books and e-audiobooks from our website and apps, and a free login to our online learning platforms and research databases.  But now you can choose from six exciting library card designs in addition to our “classic” card.  All six versions of the card were designed and created by Avon residents.

Stop by Avon Library today to get or renew your card.  While you are here, be sure to check out our summer gallery display of more than 50 designs entered in our Art on a Card contest earlier in the year.

Congratulations to our winners Aishwarya Balaji, Sara Curran, Shadan Gadkarim, Lidia Kapylova, Dagny Tang, and Shriya Vinodh!

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