281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 06001 860-673-9712

March Art Exhibit: Avon High School A.P. Studio Art Class

March Art Exhibit:  Avon High School A.P. Studio Art Class

On display in our Gallery this month is the amazing work from the talented artists of Avon High School’s A.P. Studio Art Class. Their beautiful pieces will be available for viewing through the end of the month.
Students featured in this exhibit:  Kristine Candy Antonio, Varda Bajpai, Brooke Barcikowski, Brett Belval, Angela Borden, Isabella Griffiths, Spoorthi Hanumanthu, Leah Haughey, Meredith Kessler, Sarah Larsen, Sandra Lu, Sawa Machida , Bebeann Oh, Sabrina Pelletier, Julia Phillips, Savannah Pile, and Julia Zheng.
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