The Town of Avon is working with a third-party consultant to develop a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan for the community. They are also working with representatives from the volunteer group BikeWalk Avon, CT on an application to the League of American Bicyclists to designate Avon as a “Bicycle Friendly Community.”
You can learn more about this process share your thoughts on biking and walking in Avon at the Avon Free Public Library or online. When you next visit the library, stop by the maps in the adult department (near the magazines) or in the teen room to answer a quick two question survey.
The Town of Avon will hold the first of two public meetings on its Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Planning effort on April 25, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Avon Senior Center located at 635 West Avon Road.
The meeting agenda will include a presentation by the Town’s consultant, SLR Consulting, on Avon’s existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities and the options available to improve them. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to comment on the presentation and provide feedback on what they see as the challenges to, and opportunities for, better walking and bicycling conditions in Avon.