281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 06001 860-673-9712

Courtyard Renovation

Avon Library’s courtyard will be closed for the next several months for a renovation project. While we do not expect this work to impact normal library services, there may be some minor inconveniences during construction. Demolition work on the existing courtyard has already been completed by Town Public Works staff. Contractors will begin work on the new courtyard before Memorial Day.

The project is estimated to be complete in August, and the renovated courtyard will feature improvements including better lighting, a pergola, improved drainage, and additional plantings. All donor bricks, purchased in support of the 2012 library renovation and expansion, will be reused in the new courtyard design. We look forward to inviting library users to enjoy this beautiful new outdoor space in late summer.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Glenn Grube, Library Director, at 860-672-9712, ext. 7207, or ggrube@avonctlibrary.info.

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