Saturday April 20th, 2:00-3:00 PM
This program is best for kids in K-4. Please sign up each child separately.
At least one adult guardian must stay in the room for this program.
Registration required.
Location: Community Room
What will we do?
Be guided in traditional straw art by Lithuanian Folk Artist, Philitha Stemplytė-Cowdrey. See more examples at:
Try Lithuanian cake called Šakotis, from Linos Lithuanian Food, LLC
What does a Šakotis cake looks like?
What is a SEED program?
SEED = Scholars Educational Enrichment Directive
A grant funded series of educational programs for children. The goal of these programs is to provide hand on enrichment opportunities for age groups K-3 in Avon, CT by incorporating cultural holidays, diverse calendar celebrations, multicultural events, art, literature, and STEM activities led by Erin Dawson and Erin Barthel, two Avon residents, educators, and mothers, in partnership with the Avon Library.
This is a series of programs made possible by a generous grant from Avon Greater Together Community Fund and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.