What Darwin Really Said (And What He Didn’t) (in-person)

“What Darwin Really Said (And What He Didn’t)” 

Charles Darwin has been one of the most misunderstood, misinterpreted, misquoted, and even misused of scientists. Join us for a lecture that will address these issues, with special reference to human origins and evolution.

This lecture and discussion will be presented by Michael Alan Park, Ph.D. (Indiana University, 1979). A Professor of Anthropology Emeritus, Central Connect State University, with a focus on Biological Anthropology—human evolution, fossil record, human biological diversity, genetics, human osteology—and general four field anthropology. He is the author of six anthropology textbooks (two co-authored) and one trade (general audience) book.

Please register!

This is one of the many programs we’re hosting during the ALA Human Origins Exhibit. Learn more here