

April 27, 2024

11:oo am-4:00 pm

AvonCon 2024 Schedule of Events

Extra parking is available at the church across the street and at Carmen’s Funeral Home. Please use the library’s parking and the church first!


To view all AvonCon events: https://www.avonctlibrary.info/events/tag/avoncon/


#AvonCon2019 was attended by 794 people with a Harry Potter theme

#AvonCon2018 was attended by 855 people with a fairy tale theme;

#AvonCon2017 was attended by 1000 people with a villains theme;

#AvonCon2016 was attended by 850 people with a graphics novel theme and featuring the talents of Scott McCloud;

#AvonCon2015 our first year, had attendance of 650, and started us on this epic adventure!