July 2021 HVAC Update

The library’s new geothermal HVAC system is now fully operational, cooling all areas of the building.  While some punch list items must still be addressed, the work inside the library is substantially complete.

With no more daily work in the attic and basement, access to the second floor of the library is no longer by appointment and more seating has been added on both floors.  Library hours are stable at 10-7 Mondays through Thursdays, 10-5 on Fridays, and 10-1 on Saturdays.

Our courtyard and grounds will be restored with additional features and amenities over the coming months, but both are usable now.

Thanks to all for their patience while this project was underway and we look forward to seeing you at the Avon Library!


June 2021 HVAC Update

Following over three months of construction, the library’s new HVAC system started to come online this week.  New geothermal wells and heat pumps began pushing cool air through the system just at the peak of the mini-heat wave on Tuesday afternoon.  Most public areas of the library are now air conditioned and work on the project is winding down, so the library’s open hours will be expanding soon.

Over the next weeks, contractors will work on balancing and testing the system, finish installing new thermostats and computerized controls, and address punch list items from the original scope of work as well as additional issues identified during installation.

Outside of the building, the wells and trenches have all been backfilled and topsoil is being spread in anticipation of reseeding the lawn.  The construction fencing will come down soon and work will begin on restoring the courtyard and lawn to a condition that will allow them to be enjoyed by the community.

Thanks to all library users and staff who have been patient with the disruptions this project has caused to library hours and services!

May 2021 HVAC update

Excellent progress has been made on the Library’s HVAC project.  All new geothermal wells have been drilled and contractors are now working on trenching and horizontal piping to connect those wells to a manifold in the basement.  Work in the basement is substantially completed but work in the attic to connect additional heat pumps continues.  This work will necessitate some disruption of public access to the children’s and teen sections of the library for several more weeks, but do call 860-673-9712 x211 to book a browsing appointment in the children’s and teen collections or to request curbside pickup of children’s or teen books.


April 2021 HVAC Update

Work continues on the new geothermal HVAC system at Avon Library.  Over 2/3 of the 36 new wells have been drilled and some trenching has been completed.  A new manifold is installed in the basement to connect the geothermal wells to heat pumps.

Demolition of 13 old heat pumps, either associated with wells that have failed or that could be turned off due to the locations they serve in the building, has been completed, and prep work is underway to install new heat pumps in the basement and attic of the library.



February 2021 HVAC Update

Work on Avon Library’s HVAC replacement project is underway.  Tree work on the library grounds is complete and fencing is up around the exterior work site.  Drilling of the bore holes for new geothermal wells has begun and will likely last through March.

On the interior of the library, new equipment is being delivered and will be stored in the basement until ready for installation.

Periodic updates will be posted on the Library and Town websites (www.avonctlibrary.info and www.avonct.gov).  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Glenn Grube, Library Director at 860-673-9712 x207 or ggrube@avonctlibrary.info.

January 2021 HVAC Update

Avon Library’s geothermal HVAC system, installed during the renovation and expansion project in 2012, has experienced multiple failures over the past five years and will be replaced with a more conventional and robust version of geothermal technology this year.  At the January 7, 2021 meeting of the Town Council, a contract was approved with All State Construction to execute this project.

We expect work to begin in February.  The most immediate and noticeable aspect of this project will be the need to take down several trees on the Library’s grounds and trim several others.  Additionally, fencing will go up around the work site, which will be on the south side of the library building and along the Sunnybrook Drive side of the grounds, while crews dig the new geothermal wells for heat exchange.

While some of this work will occur outside the library, there will also be extensive work inside the building, predominantly in the basement and attic.  Every effort will be made to avoid impacting library programs and services during this project, but inevitably there will be some disruptions that may require a change to library operations.  When possible, that will be communicated in advance.

Periodic updates will be posted on the Library and Town websites (www.avonctlibrary.info and www.avonct.gov).  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Glenn Grube, Library Director at 860-673-9712 x207 or ggrube@avonctlibrary.info.