Ms. Demeanor: An in-person author event with Elinor Lipman!

Community Room 281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT, United States

Join us for a delightful evening with Elinor Lipman to celebrate her new book, Ms. Demeanor, coming December 27, 2022 from Harper! Jane Morgan is a valued member of her law firm—or was, until a prudish neighbor, binoculars poised, observes her having sex on the roof of her NYC apartment building. Police are summoned, and […]

The Way They Were: Virtual Author Event with Robert Hofler

Online (Zoom)

Join us for a virtual discussion with Robert Hofler, to discuss his new book! (A film discussion of the movie will take place the week before, on 1/26/23 at 7pm via Zoom. To join that program, register here). Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of The Way We Were, this intriguing and impeccably researched book is the […]

Bookworm: Virtual Author Event with Robin Yeatman

Online (Zoom)

Join us via Zoom for a delightful conversation with Robin Yeatman, to celebrate the release of Bookworm. “Imagine if Patricia Highsmith had written The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and instead of heroic daydreams she gave her protagonist murderous ones—that would be Bookworm. Robin Yeatman’s story is subversive, surprising, and satisfying in a way that only the best […]