281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 06001 860-673-9712

Learning to read at home: the Sundance Collection

The Avon Free Public Library Children’s Department is happy to announce that our beginning readers “dot books” (orange, pink and purple) also called the Sundance Collection is now available on the Avon Free Public Library website under For Children. It’s the first link on the top! Remember these books? You can now access them digitally!

orange dot, easy to read basket      pink dot, easy    purple dot, hardest

In order to correctly gain access to the Sundance Collection,you will have to go to this link and click the blue registration button. You will be asked to set up your own account with the usual information, but make sure to put in our Sundance registration ID, 01621528 before entering everything else in and clicking continue. If you did everything right, you should be able to login to your account and read this awesome collection of easy reading books. Read on and enjoy!

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