281 Country Club Road, Avon, CT 06001 860-673-9712


  • Mango Languages

    Mango Languages teaches real conversations in over 60 languages and makes it fun too! Free mobile apps, easy progress tracking and film based learning make it one of the most popular language learning programs.

    From the Library & Home

    Apps available in the App store for both iOS and Android devices.

  • Referencia Latina

    This comprehensive Spanish-language database offers content from a variety of sources including thousands of encyclopedia entries, an inclusive collection of images, an atlas, health reports, a Spanish-English dictionary and full text for reference books and general interest magazines in a broad array of subject areas.

    From the Library & Home (Avon cardholders)

    From Home (non-Avon cardholders)

  • State Library’s List of Foreign Language Collections

    The Connecticut State Library maintains lists of public libraries in Connecticut that have collections in languages other than English. Libraries are included if they have what they consider substantial, active, non-English language print collections.

    From the Library and Home