Homebound Delivery
The Avon Public Library offers delivery services to Avon residents who are homebound, temporarily or permanently, because of illness, disability, or advanced age.
Call the Reference Desk at 860-673-9712, ext. 4, or email avonref@avonctlibrary.info to sign up.
Please include
- Your name
- Address
- Telephone number, and
- Library card number from the back of your library card.
We can help you choose something to read or watch, or you can place holds in the library catalog.
We will arrange a convenient time for delivery/pick up. All library materials available for checkout may be delivered – including books, magazines, audiobooks, music, movies, and large print books. They will be checked out for the normal loan time, but you can call the Library or renew items online if another patron is not waiting for them.