News & Magazines
Avon residents have several choices for downloadable and streaming collections. Apps are available for your device where noted. You can also find most of the titles in these collections in the library catalog.
Any questions? Call the Reference Desk at 860-673-9712 ext. 4 or email
America’s News Magazines
Find information on topics of current interest including business, education, the environment, history, homeschooling, science and technology. Features Newsweek/Newsweek Global, Popular Science, Field and Stream, Mother Earth News, Science Illustrated, Smithsonian and more for homework help and current events.
Flipster provides card holders with access to best-selling digital magazines from top publishers.
- Flipster via the web
- Download the Android app
- Download the iOS app
- Access Flipster help and FAQ pages
Overdrive magazines
Download current and back issues of thousands of popular magazines from the Overdrive website or via Libby, Overdrive’s e-book and e-audiobook app. Unlimited simultaneous use, so no waiting!