Avon residents have several choices for downloadable and streaming collections. Apps are available for your device where noted. You can also find most of the titles in these collections in the library catalog.
Any questions? Call the Reference Desk at 860-673-9712 ext. 4 or email avonref@www.avonctlibrary.info
eGO is the Connecticut State Library’s statewide library eBook platform. Gain access to digital resources for all ages, including eBooks and eAudiobooks.
Choose from more than 25,000 eBooks and eAudiobooks on the Palace Project app, the Connecticut State Library’s free app, with any Connecticut library card. For Avon Library cardholders, the Palace Project app will also provide access to Avon Library’s collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks available from Overdrive.
Please note, the SimplyE app is no longer available for use with the State Library’s e-content collection.
For most items in the collection:
- 3 week loan period
- Up to 3 checkouts and 5 holds at a time
Get the Palace Project app
Instantly borrow digital movies, music, e-books and more 24/7 with your library card!
Always available, up to 6 checkouts per month.
Checkout periods:- 3 weeks books/audiobooks/graphic novels and comics
- 1 week music
- 3 days movies and tv shows
Download e-books and audiobooks to your computer, mobile device, or eReader.
3 week loan, up to 10 checkouts at a time
- Overdrive website
- The Kids eReading Room makes it easy to search just the children’s collection.
- Get the Libby app
- Get help
- Supported Devices
Salem Press Reference Shelf
Online copies of some of our latest reference books. Login with your library card to access from home.
- Get a Personalized Reading List
- Borrowing
- Stream & Download
- eBooks
- Audiobooks
- Videos
- Music
- News & Magazines