For Students & Teachers
A to Z Maps Online
The world’s most comprehensive collection of downloadable maps including modern maps, historical maps, maps of exploration, geography games and video guides. Available on library computers, or at home from the library’s website for Avon cardholders.
AbdoZOOM Animals
Young readers will explore 160 pages of fascinating and interactive animal content in depth! Animals can be easily filtered by geography, habitat, and classification. Topic tabs feature overviews, characteristics, life cycles, feeding habits, personality traits, history, and more. With read-along audio, beginning readers can go on an adventure with their favorite animals!
AbdoZOOM Biographies
With 160 compelling biographies to choose from, young readers will learn about the lives of important people and their contributions. Each biography is broken down into easy-to-read, chronological sections, focusing on each person’s impact, early life, rise to fame, breakthrough, legacy, and more. Enjoy a diverse list of important figures from yesterday and today, including inventors, explorers, entertainers, athletes and activists.
Young readers can explore more than 100 topics through the lens of how they relate to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Each topic is broken down into sections about the five STEAM categories. Plus, a special art project helps spur creativity. With read-along audio and colorful pictures, this database is a great introduction into the wide world of STEAM!
BookFlix is an online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction from Children’s Press and other trusted Scholastic imprints. It is published by Scholastic Inc.
Reports on 187 countries and all 50 U.S. states, including background facts, history & government, social customs & lifestyle, religion, economy, holidays, education, transportation, and even recipes!
Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles handbooks and practice tests for driving permits, motorcycle licenses and commercial drivers licenses.
Explora is a dedicated search interface for students that covers all of our EBSCO databases. A simple search quickly delivers relevant results, including articles, essays, and primary source documents.
History Reference Center
Designed for secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges and undergraduate research, this database features full text for more than 1,990 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books.
From the Library & Home (Avon cardholders)
From Home (non-Avon cardholders)
LinkedIn Learning (formerly
Learn relevant, professional skills on LinkedIn Learning. With your Avon Library card number and PIN, you can access more than 16,000 online courses in seven languages taught by expert instructors with real world experience. Popular topics include leadership, project management, cloud computing, Microsoft products, and web development.
For PIN problems or other technical support, call the reference desk at 860-673-9712 x4.
App available: LinkedIn Learning is available in the App Store for both Android and iOS devices. Download those from the Google Play or App Store.
When using an app, you will be prompted for your library ID. The library ID for Avon Free Public Library is afpl.
MagillOnLiterature Plus
Produced by Salem Press, MagillOnLiterature Plus combines all of the quality content of both MagillOnLiterature and MagillOnAuthors in a fully integrated and enhanced single database. Contains biographical essays of the 2,500 most studied authors. More than 8,500 writers of fiction, poetry, drama, and essays are featured. More than 400 comprehensive essays on specific literary genres, themes and settings round out the collection. Includes a cross-referenced glossary of 1,800 literary words and phrases.
Mango Languages
Mango Languages teaches real conversations in over 60 languages and makes it fun too! Free mobile apps, easy progress tracking and film based learning make it one of the most popular language learning programs.
Apps available in the App store for both iOS and Android devices.
Professional Development Collection
Professional Development Collection includes full text for more than 500 high-quality education journals, provided by ResearchItCT.
From the Library & Home (Avon cardholders)
From Home (non-Avon cardholders)
Salem Press Reference Shelf
Online copies of some of our latest reference books. Login with your library card to access from home.
Udemy is an online learning platform for adults who want to improve work-related skills or further develop a personal interest. Users can search through thousands of continuously updated, on-demand video courses across 75 categories in business, technology, design, and more, including courses taught by native speakers in 12 languages. All courses are taught by world-class instructors and offer a tailor-made learning experience for those who want to learn new technologies and skills to stay competitive in a changing workforce.
The first time you use Udemy, you will need to create an account. If prompted, enter your Avon Library barcode and then click Sign in/Create an Udemy Account. Scroll to the bottom of that page and select Sign up to create your account.
Click here for a PDF overview of creating your account and accessing Udemy’s content.
Udemy is available to Avon Library cardholders thanks to a generous grant from PeoplesBank.
- Arts & Crafts
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